Friday, February 1, 2008

Dancing log cabin - my 2-step variation

I found the idea for this block on the net, through a group I belong to. It was one of those "I just have to make one to see it " kind of blocks. The original block was a bit different so I call mine the 2-step.
Using up some scraps, I made 4 blocks for a medallion center for a small quilt. This would be the 'beaches and boats' 2-step.
I think I will machine embroider some seashells around the border to help carry out the nautical theme of the blocks.

A few moments of fame

I entered a block in the 'I'm Dreaming of a Quilt ' contest, sponsored by Quilt in a Day (among others).
It was on the net for a few days before the judges narrowed the blocks to the final twelve that will be the winners.
Have to admit I was pretty proud just to get that far!
The final12 blocks are lovely