Saturday, December 15, 2007

winter weather

Freezing rain and snow on top! What a lovely day! I am enjoying staying inside and catching up some on the blog. The picture is from last years ice storm, but it looks pretty much the same today. I haven't gotten out to take any yet.

Comfort food, homemade soup, and chocolate chip cookies seemed like a good idea to fill in time, between finishing up the apple quilt, binding a baby quilt, doing some embriodery for Heather and working on a crochet project too. Nice and warm and get good warm fuzzies, feeling like I am accomplishing something too.
DD2 called from San Diego to say she had finished her quilt top today too. Can't wait to see it!
*Cheering all of you on with your projects*

1 comment:

Nutrinotas said...

Hola, como estas .. Te paso la dirección de mi nuevo blog… un abrazo Esteban Gonzalez